Student Work

When I taught Kindergarten in South Korea, my first 6 months felt like absolute chaos. I wanted to establish a learning environment that was safe, welcoming and conducive for learning but without using tactics of fear, negative feedback, or by dominating the space. I knew as the teacher, it was my responsibility to create an environment of order and structure, but I also felt that the classroom was our shared space and learning was our shared goal. I knew my students wanted to learn and were capable of recognizing their own needs and desires. I had to find a way where we could all work together to create a community that supported each other and worked together. This was as important to me as the curriculum. I also knew that if we were able to create this community, we would have the support to work through the curriculum with less of a struggle. But how could I make this happen?

I began with a foundation of mutual respect. All questions were always answered. If I wanted to be listened to, I needed to listen. All rules were explained, when students understood why we needed certain rules, they struggled less with them. We all wanted to create an enjoyable environment, they just needed to know how. I used the 3 to 1 ratio of positive to negative feedback. I invited them to tell me when certain rules, activities or lessons were not working. They learned to express their needs and we would problem solve the situation together. Students that excelled would work as my helper in explaining concepts and lessons to students that struggled. This way we never moved on from a subject without everyone understanding it, advanced students were able to solidify the information by teaching and the environment was encouraging rather than competitive. I used activities that moved the students around the classroom and engaged different parts of their brains. I sat with them at lunch or playtime and listened to them talk about their lives and interests. When I treated them as equals and with respect, I didn’t need to discipline. I love this picture of Dann. He looks content, engaged, comfortable and self-possessed. This environment was one of my greatest achievements, and I deeply cherish the community we created together.
